N: What percentage of your posts actually include photos of your home?
T: Around 95%.
N: Wow. Really?
T: Yes, I think it’s because people like seeing how others live.
N: How much time do you spend on Instagram?
T: Too much (laughing). Probably two hours a day.
N: Who are your followers for the most part?
T: Mostly young moms, but surprisingly quite a few are women in their 20’s, some newly married. I’d say the breakdown is 50/50 between the two.
T: Not at all, I keep pinching myself.

N: How many clients are you working with?
T: Between those I’ve helped and those I’m currently working with, ten. I was also just hired by a woman in the UK to decorate remotely. It’s insane how this has taken off.
N: Wow! Anything else?
T: Yes, I now have vendors sending me products to feature on my feed.
N: Oh my gosh, you’re like Kim Kardashian with product placement.
T: Ha-Ha, that’s what my husband says.

T: Absolutely, everyone is so nice and supportive. I really consider these people friends.
N: The name of your account is House of Six Interiors and you often feature your four children. How does having a large family play into what you post?
T: My family life inspires my style. We keep a stylish home, but one that is totally livable. I try to keep it interesting, but never take myself too seriously.

N: Where would you like to be five years from now?
T: I’d like to grow my styling business. My kids are still little (ten and younger) so it’s a lot to juggle, but I feel incredibly happy right now.
T: When we first came to check out Maplewood we pulled in on the train and I saw from the window a bunch of dads sledding with their kids. It looked like a Norman Rockwell painting and I thought “This is it.” There is very little not to like here. I love walking to town with my family on Sunday mornings and shopping at all the great little stores. I love the diversity here and all the artists. It’s just a great place to live!
Thanks Tanya!!! Follow her here on Instagram.